Thursday, September 27, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Kay Ngee Tan Architects Gallery is pleased to present Domestic Dystopia, an exhibition showcasing works by photographer Ho Hui May, first prize winner of the 26th UOB painting of the year award, Photography category.

As a photographer, Ho has always believed in ‘making use of all situations’. She embraces ephemerality, and is drawn to physical evidence which she believes indicate the inevitable gradation of a culture. Recently, her work has become more personal, propelled by memories she has had from moving from place to place. This is her first solo exhibition since returning from overseas. Her influences include artists from all artistic backgrounds; Maya Lin, Tsai Ming Liang, and William Eggleston.

Domestic Dystopia provides an insight into six interiors of dilapidated houses in Singapore. Each photograph reveals the traces of footsteps and impressions left behind by previous occupants, encapsulating these moments in their personal histories in a snapshot of time. Most of these houses have been abandoned and are left in a state of disrepair.By becoming a translator, Ho takes on the task of translating the deep sense of loss and nostalgia she feels when she is inside these houses onto a series of photographs.

Ho Hui May is the first prize winner of the 26th UOB Painting of the Year Competition, Photography Category 2007.
This is her first solo exhibition in Singapore.